Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


We would like to announce a change of address for the European Baptist Fellowship effective January 1, 2012 will be European Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 501545, Indianapolis, IN 46250.  Please make note of this change.  Thank you for your prayers and your support of the work of the missionaries of the European Baptist Fellowship.

In The Name of Our Savior,


Brother Merton Bobo


European Baptist Fellowship
Mark & Maria Walker Serving in Germany & Eastern Europe

Mark Walker reports that the German mission he is "on loan" to (Regio Rumänienhilfe = regional help for Romania) is in the middle of their "fall offensive".

Mark attended and spoke at a mission conference from the partner mission group "Evangeliums Mission" in northern Germany. There was one collection drive in a local church that had just finished building their new church home. Many people came and quite a number stayed for a cup of coffee - and a conversation!
Mark was scheduled to drive a 40-ton truck in the last week of September to Romania.

On October 4th Mark will drive the 40-ton truck (belonging to GAIN = Global Aid Network = Campus Crusade for Christ) to Romania. On Oct. 9th he is to meet up with 3 other mission groups that minister in Romania. The object is to show each other where and how we minister and then decide how we can benefit each other's ministries. Mark then returns the truck back to Giessen (north of Frankfurt) with pick-up points on the way for GAIN.

Every year, Mark and his "side-kick" Martin leave for Romania again. If GAIN can spare the truck, Mark will drive it again. Martin will follow with a small team for the annual November outreach mission trip. The goal is to deliver aid to missionaries and churches (especially gypsy churches), help two single missionary ladies with some repair work and getting their mission centre ready for the winter, conducting a week of training / advising / mentoring a group consisting of those involved in 7 gypsy churches and conducting the annual German Bible Conference in Sibiu (in the last German speaking free church).

There are collection drives in local churches and therefore we will need to order a truck to haul all the collected items away, otherwise our ware-house would burst.
We received a phone call from a missionary in Italy who received access to the ill-famous refuge-island of LAMPEDUSA off of Sicily. As this missionary would have more mission opportunities if he could enter the camp with a truck and aid, he requested 30 pallets of boxed

clothes, shoes etc. but also he needs various kinds of hospital equipment.
You might know that all of these refugees have risked their lives to leave Libya and other African countries crossing the Mediterranean in shabby vessels. I understand that an estimated minimum of 20% perish at sea, especially women and children. The living conditions on Lampedusa are under par, as the Italian government is broke. The place is supposedly fenced in like a high-security outfit! At least these are the pictures we see in our German media. So do pray for the Italian missionary TONIO as he struggles to minister to these displaced people!
We have prepared the first 18 pallets and need to reorganize our ware-house to provide enough space for the rest.
Mark is especially grateful that more helpers are coming to operate the ware-house and to help with pick-up runs. We are now praying especially for young people born in the 80'ies and 90'ies to join our team! Will you join us in prayer??

The ministry of providing training for church planters in Romania is progressing well - especially in Tirgoviste (near Bucharest) and in "gypsy country".
Our gypsy missionary there - Mitika Omlecu - has had two operations on his back, and is doing very poorly health-wise. He is not letting his health stall his ministry, but he is totally unable to take up his summer job in Germany as a harvest hand. Two of his young assistant pastors have taken his slot - and are performing well.

But we are concerned for Mitika's income, as it is only at 60%. We are praying that the LORD might provide him with at least 700$/month in order to "keep him on the job", i.e. provide for his family and ministry needs. Mitika started out with us in 1996 - and concentrated on children's' work. Then developed these kids further in youth work with a very deep impact. 4 of his youth have gone on to Bible school and have returned - and are the driving force with Mitika in church planting efforts!

                 Robert and Jody Frye serving in Romania

Philippians 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


We rejoice to share with you the continued ministry here in Romania. May God bless you as you read, pray and support this ministry and reward you all for your faithful service together with our Lord.

What amazing news we have to share with you. During our most recent meetings with the kids in Ghijasa de Jos, Dia, age 12, has made a decision to follow Christ. Her prayer was simple, sincere and tearful. Please pray for her as things will likely be more difficult for her in her village, as she has made this stand.  Also please pray for us, that God give us wisdom as we continue to disciple her. God knows the intent of Dia’s heart, and we pray that the seed planted will grow and prosper.  

Our weekly meetings in Ghijasa de Jos continue as we teach memory verses, songs, and are beginning to work on our annual Christmas play. We usually have around 12-14 in attendance. We are so thankful that one of our youth from Nocrich, Crina, age 17, has committed to helping with the younger children and is coming weekly with us.

We are also continuing with our youth activities at the Nocrich church. During the summer we had higher attendance, but usually have at least 8 for class. We have begun the fall/winter program, meeting with the teens during the last hour of our church service on Sunday mornings. Robert is teaching a Biblical time line and going through the Bible systematically. Please continue to pray that these youth will make a decision to follow Christ. Besides the youth, Jody participates in the worship team from time to time, and Robert is responsible for the sound equipment, as well as, pulpit supply when needed. We continue to take our neighbors and Ilie with us to church, and Jody still reads the Bible weekly, with Lenuta. Please continue to pray also for the work here in village, Ighisu Vechi, and for Ilie’s family to come to know Christ.

Construction continues as the new two-story mess hall building is now standing. We are currently working on getting it under roof before winter, and then the next priority will be the heating system before winter. Since the improved wood-heating system is located in the second story of the mess hall, it is imperative to finish the roof and outer walls first. We have had a few close calls with safety issues, but God has protected us from serious injury, for which we are so very thankful. Please continue to pray for continued strength, safety and good weather to finish these necessary tasks. Some of our youth from Nocrich have been able to assist with small parts of the building after school, but the majority of it has been built by Robert.

Near the end of this month, on October 29, Robert is scheduled for gallbladder removal surgery by laser. It was discovered that he has a rather large gallstone. We will be going to a private clinic in Targu Mures, Romania, for the surgery. Please pray for the surgeon, and for Robert through the recovery process. He will be anxious to get back to work.


For those of you who may not have known, Jody will be leaving on Friday, October 5, 2012 for Togo, Africa, for one week. By the time you receive this letter, she will have already returned, Lord willing. She has wanted for a long time to visit Africa and be part of a medical team. She is limited on her medical knowledge as a certified Basic EMT, but the Lord has provided this opportunity to go with people from Maryland that we know.  To see updates concerning this and other ongoing news, please check out our blog at


As far as the summer, we had a very busy camp season, with camps and retreats all throughout the summer.  We had our first marriage retreat involving couples from two different churches, our Ghijasa de Jos camp, teen retreats, cell group retreats, week-long children’s camps, and Nocrich youth activities all here at Windsor’s Fair Haven. We considered it a very successful time and are so thankful for all the visitors and helpers that came to help with camps, retreats, and building projects, including, Will LaRose, Phill and Rita Frye (Robert’s brother and sister-in-law), Art Merrill (Jody’s father), William (our son), and Carmen (our Romanian daughter), and of course, our very own Randy who is always with us. For pictures and more specific news about the summer and summer projects, please see our blog.

May God bless you and keep you as our prayers continue for each and every one of you as we serve our Father together.  Robert, Jody and Randy Frye
Dia is the shortest in the front Crina is one the left in the back

New mess hall building